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  • Writer's pictureSaman Dadafshar

Now what?

Updated: Nov 17, 2020

Now that our photography session is done and I've gone through and have done a quick edit on the photos; You can now go ahead and select your favorite photos that you like returned to you. Below I have an overview what that entails and what you will expect next.

Hopefully, by now I have had a chance to walk you through the process. Why? to better serve you. I've always said, "if a phone camera can do what I can then I'm not a photographer" so I take the editing process very seriously. Yes, you look gorgeous, but my camera takes images to be edited later. This is necessary and absolutely needed; in fact, sometimes clients say "Original files are fine, don't worry about editing"

Final Edit Quick Edit

Although I appreciate the gesture and wish it was the case; I wish it was because then I'd definitely spend less time editing and more time taking wonderful photos. This process is tidiest and time consuming and I'll be honest, I take my time! This phase is what I call the second half of creation because it gives me the chance to finish the look and purpose for which I took the photo in the first place. In these edits, I correct color, remove things that shouldn't be there, skin touch, eye touch, crop and etc...

It no longer sounds like photography is a one-step process, is it? LOL, yes, it definitely isn't.

Quick Edit Final Edit

This is why I now offer sessions the way I do. You see what you are recieving; the small edits to the final finish. You see your value in your photos and investment. I could of course use filters and make them look different and be done in 10 minutes but ewww. I don't want to turn you orange or whatever shade is cool now; I focus on timeless photos, this is why I don't stop working until your final finished photos are my best work and in your posession; "so Saman, where are my photos?"

After you made your selection, I discuss them with you; what are your plans? want to make a wall display? maybe just a few prints? maybe you just want digital? this is when we discuss it so I can make sure I have your final decision in mind so I can edit accordingly. I'll walk you through the next part of your purchase, what photos to select, and what print options would be best. Then I make the orders and complete your purchase. Here is the general Costs of choices.

This is not the end of our relationship; I make sure your experience was splendid and if you have thoughts? share them with me! I love to know how your experience was. I've changed my entire operation to better serve my friends, so please let me know :) Going forward, I want us to have a relationship going forward. Look for exclusive deals for my returning clients and I give credit towards your future sessions to show my appreciation for any referals!!! yayyy!

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